Research on Mixed Methods in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis of Development Dynamics (2003 - 2023)

Twenty Years’ Development of Mixed Methods Research

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  • Zhanxin Meng Jiangsu University of Science and Technology
  • Ping Wang



bibliometric analysis, Educational research, Mixed methods, development dynamics


Over the past years, education has consistently ranked among the fields with the highest utilization of mixed methods research. However, very few research have reviewed and provided visual maps of mixed methods research in education, illustrating systematically the published papers’ development dynamics. Hence, this paper defined WoS category as “Education Educational Research”, filtering and downloading 793 published English articles from 2003 to 2023 with “mixed method(s)” or “mixed methodology” in the title from two sub-databases within the Web of Science Core Collection, SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) and A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index). Through bibliometric analysis using the R programming language, as a quantitative study, this paper mainly focused on the scientific production, collaborative relationship, research topics and future trends of mixed methods research in education over the past twenty years. It was found that the research productivity in the field have been increasing during the inclusive years. Journals and universities were respectively the dominant contributors in sources and affiliations. The USA, UK, China, and Australia can be considered strong countries of MMR in education. Moreover, the most frequent words, the trending topics, conceptual structure and future directions are also discussed here.


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How to Cite

Meng, Z., & Wang, P. (2024). Research on Mixed Methods in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis of Development Dynamics (2003 - 2023): Twenty Years’ Development of Mixed Methods Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Studies, (10), 34–50.