The Idealist Teacher from the Perspective of the Past to the Present: A Mixed Method Research

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Teacher, resilience, idealist, idealist teacher


The purpose of this study is to analyze idealist teacher examples and characteristics based on the heroes in idealist teaching literature from different countries. The research was conducted according to the mixed method and converging parallel pattern. The qualitative design of the research is the "narrative research" model. The qualitative sample of the research consists of "Çalıkuşu (Wren), Vurun Kahpeye (Hıt The Whore), Idealist Teacher, Toprak Uyanırsa (If Soil Awakens), The First Teacher, and Dead Poets Association" books selected by the criterion sampling method. The document analysis method was used while examining the books on idealist teaching, and the data were solved with the help of content analysis. As a result of the content analysis, 3 themes and 10 sub-themes were determined. The quantitative design of the research is the "Descriptive Survey" model. In the quantitative part of the study, it was aimed to determine the idealism levels of teachers. The quantitative sample of the study consisted of 568 teachers. The data were collected with the help of the "Idealist Teacher Scale". In the qualitative sample of the research, the findings related to idealist teaching were reached, and these findings were interpreted together with quantitative data. According to the results obtained in the study, teachers have high levels of Idealist teaching perception. Idealist teachers are individuals who are devoted to their profession, love their profession, are self-sacrificing, struggle with impossibilities, are compassionate, determined, committed to ethical and moral values, patient, fair, convey spiritual values and guide students. Idealistic teachers clash with traditional education, bureaucracy, society, and even with the student when appropriate. In this case, idealistic teachers may experience withdrawal, abandonment, or abandonment crises. The love of the people and the nation, the desire for self-realization and ideological commitment idealize the teachers.


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How to Cite

MAVİ CANUYLASI, Çınar E. ., & ÖZGENEL, M. (2023). The Idealist Teacher from the Perspective of the Past to the Present: A Mixed Method Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Studies, (6), 57–87.